One of the best things to me is getting a HANDWRITTEN note from someone. I mean, who even does this anymore – right?! It’s like ancient practice. Right up there with buying DVDs and actually calling someone on the phone instead of texting.
A handwritten note communicates some special things! First, it reveals your handwriting – something I find so personal and comforting. Second, it shows that you took time to sit down and thoughtfully consider your words. Firing off a text message just doesn’t hold the same value. Third, if you choose to send your handwritten note in the mail, it is so fun to open up the mailbox and discover a magical surprise instead of only a pile of bills.
But many of us struggle to know WHAT to say! With Teacher Appreciation Week and Mother’s Day around the corner, today I want to share a few simple pointers that will hopefully inspire you to share life-giving words with someone in your world this month.
Find a Purpose
What is the purpose of the note? Here are a few ideas…
- Holiday/Important Date (like a birthday, anniversary, Teacher Appreciation, etc.)
- Sympathy/Anniversary of a loss
- Just checking in…
- Something silly to cheer up
- Thinking about you
Find a Card
Target or any grocery/drug store will have a selection of cards you can purchase to mail. I recently discovered Kate Smith Company cards while at Target and FELL IN LOVE.
You can find them all HERE. They are so happy and funny.
Find the Words
My biggest piece of advice when writing a note to someone is to BE SPECIFIC.
- Share a few specific words that describe the person you are writing to >> Examples: thoughtfulness, kindness, faithfulness, generosity, perseverance, courage, trust in Jesus, prayerfulness, joy, hope, etc.
- Share a few specific actions that you have witnessed this person doing >> Examples: serving each week in a church ministry, pouring themselves out for others in their workplace, getting up through the night to feed a baby, caring for an elderly parent or a special needs child, persevering in a struggling marriage, tackling a fear they have battled with, acknowledging their courage to move forward in the face of a loss, how the person has impacted your life or your child’s life, etc.
- Share a specific Bible verse that comes to mind when you are praying for this person >> Examples: HERE is a great list.
Click HERE for a great article featuring what NOT to say to people who are grieving and then 10 examples of good things to say.
Find a Little Extra 
Do you know that feeling when you open a card and something falls out? Whether it’s money, a Bible verse card, or a sheet of stickers, that little extra is a great way to finish off your encouraging note.
Here are a few clever “extras” to enclose in your card…
- Check or cash
- Gift card
- Bible verse cards – I love THESE ONES from Amazon
- Joke cards – I have a TON of these on my site for FREE! Click HERE!
- THIS fun flying butterfly
- Stickers
- Confetti << not everyone likes this one, but I think it’s always worth it. 😉
The inside of the card is not the only place for extra! I also like to decorate the outside of my cards with stickers, drawings, or quotes. Someone I once knew always wrote PTL (Praise the Lord) on the envelope of every card she sent.
Include the correct amount of postage and send it on its way! I promise it will make the recipient’s day and bring a breath of fresh air and hope to his/her heart.
“Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up…” 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Julie 🙂
I do love reading your messages – you shine through with your love and positive attitude! Always makes me smile and gives a little inspiration too, thank you!
I hope you’re having a lovely day : )
Warm wishes,