Some of my favorite Easter memories included driving to my Mom-Mom’s house (about an hour away) after Sunday services in order to celebrate the holiday with our extended family.
My Mom-Mom and Aunts would organize a little Easter Egg Hunt for my cousins and me.
I loved the sweet thrill of finding one of those cheery bright eggs in her front yard – and then sitting on the front steps after my basket was full to open my eggs and go through the loot! 🙂
Now the Happy Hubby’s Grandmommy hosts an egg hunt each year for all of her great-grands (the Happy Buddy included), so that’s where we are headed next week. I can’t wait for the Happy Buddy to experience that same thrill!
She puts money (nickels, dimes, quarters, dollar bills) in the eggs along with candy. She also hides a golden egg and whoever finds that wins a giant stuffed toy. So fun!
While we wait for that day to arrive, I thought about trying out one of these other super cool and innovative Egg Hunt Ideas…
Family Fun featured this neat tradition from a family who wakes up on Easter morning to a Maze of Yarn all over their Happy Home!
The Happy Buddies have to follow their designated piece of yarn as it winds to and fro, eventually ending up at their Easter basket full of eggs.
A Subtle Revelry used streamers instead of yarn for her Happy Home’s egg hunt!
Each hidden egg is attached to a streamer that stretches throughout the house.
How about a Trail of Jellybeans leading your Happy Buddy to his hidden eggs on Easter Sunday?
The creative mama over at Gluesticks filled some eggs with her Happy Buddy’s Lunch Items and then hid the eggs!
Once all the eggs were found, they sat down and dined!
This idea is SO COOL.
Growing a Jeweled Rose created an Easter Egg Hunt for her Happy Buddy in the BATHTUB.
You HAVE to check it out HERE.
I love the idea of putting Puzzle Pieces in your Happy Buddy’s Easter eggs.
Once he hunts down all of the eggs, he can put a fun puzzle together!
These Personalized Easter Puzzles can be found HERE.
You could even purchase a new Lego set and put the Lego pieces in the eggs as well.
This is the ULTIMATE Egg Hunt Idea, my friends.
Mommy Savers bought some glowstick bracelets, folded them up, stuck them in eggs and let her Happy Buddies hunt for the glowing eggs in the dark – outside!!
I could totally see kids of all ages having a blast with this!
In fact, a friend of mine told me that she is probably going to do this for her college-aged son and his buddies. 🙂 Love that!
And don’t forget about Happy Home Fairy’s fabulous FREE Printable Easter Morning Scavenger Hunt Cards that have a magical surprise ending!
Go HERE to print your own set!
*Check out my other Egg Hunt Ideas post HERE for even more creative hunting fun!*
Happy Egg-citing Egg Hunt Idea-ing! 🙂
I used your scavenger hunt clues for my girls on Easter morning and they were a big hit! Thanks so much for sharing them….I loved the simplicity of them for my 3 year olds, but also that there was a message in there about the true meaning of Easter. Thanks again!