Y’all didn’t think I’d let you get away without a few more apple-themed posts this September, did you?! 🙂
Check out these apple-icious inspirations!
I love this simple Apple Paper Plate craft from The Creative Crayon.
I can already smell this Apple Pie-Scented Homemade Playdough from Little Wonders’ Days.
Apple Printing is a classic activity for little ones, but I love how Toddler Approved turned her Happy Buddies’ prints into a beautiful banner.
Plus, she has a really great tip on how to cut the apples for an easy grip!
Parents shows how to bring your apples to life with edible arms and legs and even little shirt buttons. 🙂
What a fun after school snack!
Speaking of snacks, wouldn’t your Happy Buddies think these Apple Smiles from The Workman Family are hilarious?Or host an after-school Apple Tasting Party like B. Inspired Mama.
Bento-logy made this Apple-Themed Lunch for her Happy Buddy as a way to communicate that she’s the ‘Apple of her Eye!’
I’ll bet Johnny Appleseed wouldn’t mind if your Happy Home made some of these adorable Apple Cupcakes from Make and Takes to celebrate his birthday on the 26th.
And this is my favorite apple idea of all.
Living in Florida doesn’t exactly lend itself to seasonal blessings – like going to pick apples in a real apple tree orchard.
So why not make your own Indoor Apple Picking Experience like Frugal Family Fun?
Just grab a branch and some paper apples and leaves, then give your Happy Buddies a basket with specific instructions to pick enough for your homemade applesauce recipe!
Happy Apple-ing! 🙂
I love all these apple ideas. I have 2 bushels of apples sitting in my kitchen from apple picking 2 weeks ago!