In honor of Johnny Appleseed’s birthday coming up on September 26th AND to kick off my Fall Traditions category (HOORAY for FALL!), the Happy Home Fairy will be devoting an entire week of blog posts to the magic of APPLES!
Here’s what you need to do to get ready for APPLE EXTRAVAGANZA:
- If you haven’t subscribed to my blog and you LOVE apples and you want to do some really fun and easy apple activities with your kids next week – SIGN UP NOW! (See the sidebar)
- Starting Monday, September 20th, the Happy Home Fairy will post an Apple Activity of Fun every day leading up to Johnny Appleseed’s Birthday – culminating with a birthday celebration for him on the 26th!
- Each Apple Activity will be SIMPLE and super magical and your kids (and husband and neighbors) will LOOOOVE it!
- If you are planning on doing your grocery shopping this weekend, pick up lots and lots of APPLES (and make sure you get a few different varieties too!) so that you will be prepared for next week’s Apple Activities of Fun!
Join me on Monday for the start of something APPLE-ICIOUS! 🙂
“Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings”
Psalm 17:8
Yay! Apple Week! We are very excited! :o)