Does anyone else get butterflies at the sight of a package on your doorstep???
You pull into your driveway and there, perched on top of the doormat is a brown box – a container full of mysterious items from a precious sender.
The perfect recipe to cheer a weary soul.
That is precisely what I found yesterday on our doorstep on Day 23 of our NICU journey.
Day 23 where they discovered the Happy Baby had developed some bizarre virus and would need immediate treatment.
Treatment that is pretty much like chemotherapy and will take a period of 42 days to administer to our tiny baby.
Coming home after such a mind-blowing diagnosis (and the doctors aren’t even sure that the virus is related to his still rapid breathing – ugh), seeing that package was like seeing a giant pool of water in the middle of the blazing hot desert.
A sweet friend had taken the time to send us some goodies and the Lord made sure it arrived at just the right moment.
Want to know what was inside the box (complete with handwritten notes personalizing each happy thing)??(There were actually a few more items – bubbles and crayons, etc. – but the Happy Buddy was so excited about his ‘entertainment’ that items kept disappearing off of the table before I could snap a picture!) ๐
This was one of my favorite items in the box as I seem to be (aside from turning to the Lord) turning to chocolate for therapy as we try to get through each day.
If you’re wondering why I haven’t posted in awhile it’s because we are either at the hospital or I am in a chocolate-induced coma. ๐
A friend of ours advised us to find something small everyday that make us happy in order to help us cope – he said even if it meant gaining ten pounds.
So while I am trying to lose the baby weight, my emotions are trumping the desire to get back in my skinny jeans.
So I thank you, sweet friend-who-sent-us-the-box, for including chocolate. ๐
Like I have said before, I cannot thank you all enough for the comments you have left on this blog, on my Facebook page, or in my email inbox.ย I wish to the starry hosts that I had the time to write each of you back and tell you how much the story you shared, or the Bible verse you typed, or just your thoughtful word to let me know you are praying has encouraged my heart.
Seriously.ย They have been my lifeline!
I am desperately looking forward to the day when I can post the Happy Baby’s biggest, baddest WELCOME HOME party! ๐
But for now, I am going to be like Noah from the Bible… Climb on the ark and endure the next 42 days of storm because I know there will be a rainbow on the other side.
Please say a prayer that the Happy Baby won’t have any scary side effects from the treatment and that miraculously this drug will work to heal his breathing issues as well.
And while you’re praying, ask Him if there is anyone you could send an Unexpected Blessing Package to today.
“To send a letter (package) is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart.” Phyllis Theroux
*sigh* I love that despite all that you are going through, you are encouraging us to bless someone else today. YOU are a blessing to so many people you don’t even know. I am praying for you today.
I have to tell you each time I read your blog I cry…I cry for you and your little man, I cry for my little man who was where your’s now is 30 years ago, I cry for a grandson who has gone home I cry for 2 grandsons who spent almost a year in NICU (and are now 6 and wonderful good health!) and most of all I cry out to our Lord for mercy, healing and blessings on you and your little man. I know first hand from the view of mommy and grandma what not to many women know and that is how hard it is to go home without your baby when you leave the hospital and then to do it daily as you go visit him. It is not the way it is meant to be, it is not normal and no matter what you do in your mind you just cannot make it right. To have empty arms just aches there is no way to heal that pain other then in the Lord. Only leaning on the Lord will get you from one day to the next to next and only He can hold you up in the days and weeks to come with all the questions and the answers. May God hold you tight and may you feel His great mercy and love each day. Jer 29:11 became my life verse 30 years ago I pray when you read it you will also feel the joy He has for you in this little child. Each day he grew in your body and each day you have had him in this world is a gift a gift given to you from your Father. Enjoy each one I pray you will have many years to enjoy him. Hang in there and trust in the Lord, He does have a plan for good for you and for your family. Praying God’s blessings onto you and your family.
Thinking of you Julie. What a sweet post and a very thoughtful friend! Sorry to hear abut Jethro’s virus, we will be praying for him and you and Ryan!
God Bless You and your family during the road ahead, you are blessed to have such faith!
Hugs to you and your family. I find it very funny that I sent that same box full of blessings to a friend last week! House party boxes rock!
Praying for you and your sweet family. We have been on the recieving end of those sweet packages these past few months. My hubby was in and out of the hospital 6 times from Jan. 28th thru March 23rd. We were blessed tremendously in so many ways from the blessings people mailed us and gave us. God uses his family to give us hugs… So glad you were blessed and hang onto that song by Laura Story… that is one of those songs that got us thru our hospital craziness. Also Praise You in this Storm by Mercy Me (or Casting Crowns.. I get them mixed up and I love them both) Praying for a peace that passes understanding for you and your family. Praying for wisdom for the doctors as they treat your sweet baby. Praying your sweet baby to feel the hands of God as he holds him in those hands! Blessings!
precious friends like these are a God send!! His hand is linking yours with hers!
What a great idea. Thank you for passing it on. We really hope that you will find continued strength and support going through this experience. We have had health challenges and when our youngest daughter was 16 she had a massive blood clot the covered her brain. Our hearts feel those emotions, because no matter the age of your child, they are always your “babies”. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understandings.” Love and prayers to you all.
Praying for you and your family always….Right now the waves are scary but our wonderful Lord is right there holding you all in the palm of His hands…You are an inspiration for so many of us…Waiting to hear the announcement of the coming home party…then I would love your address to send you a package as well… [email protected]
Pat of Windermere, Fl
Julie! I have been stalking your blog for days, eager for an update. My heart aches for you and I have been (& will continue to) cry out to God for you, for Ryan & for little Jethro. You are an amazing woman! God knows that better than anyone else… and He IS going to bring you through this. Sending my love!
Prayers still coming all the way from Texas for your family. I agree totally with the poster above who said how amazing you are to still be encouraging us to bless others in spite of the trials you are facing. Please know your thoughtful friend and you have inspired me to bless someone with a care package who I know needs it! As for that welcome home party for the Happy Baby, I will be ready to break out the glitter and celebrate right along with you!
We love you guys and with tears in my eyes I am praying for you and your happy family. Looking forward, 42 days seems like a long time away. Looking back, you will wonder where they went. It is so good to have a Heavenly Father who knows what you are going through and loves all of you so much. I am sure there is the big over all trust because you know he has the big picture and you know you can trust him, but the moments of why are there as well, both are ok, He knows your heart and he knows the darkness of this time in your life, it is so good to be able to pour out your heart to him and find his open arms of comfort and find peace. He loves Happy Baby even more than you do.(which is a lot of love).
Still praying for you all. Our friends just went through a scary hospital stay for mom to be followed by NICU stay for baby. God performed miracles for them, and I know he can for you too. Hang in there, and know you are being upheld in prayer by many people across the country, even those you don’t know. Thanks for your post.
Praying for you today.
Just wanted to let you know I enjoy your blog and have been praying for you at this time. Trust God. He is looking after you all.
Good friends always include chocolate. Praying for your little man (and his parents!).
What a friend — and what a God to send such a friend to you at just the right time. Just want you to know we’re praying for you all. My boy’s older than yours, but this mama’s heart has felt what you feel, Julie. Blessings on all of your family. We love you!
I am up half an hour early every day praying for Jet and your whole sweet family. May God hold you all in the palm of his powerful and loving hand and lift you up and over this heartbreaking time. We love you!
Hi happy home fairy ….my sister, kids and I are a big big fan of your blog and look forward to all the activities you post . Just wanted you to know that we are chanting for the Happy baby , you and your family and I am sure that you will soon have a lovely welcome home party for the Happy baby . Apart from loving your activities you post I really admire you for taking the time out to share your wonderful and inspiring thoughts with us – Shalini
Hi HHF, we are missionaries in Japan. Just wanted you to know we are praying for you and the Happy Baby. May you know His presence in greater measures today.
i’m sitting in my boarding room at the NICU right now as i’m reading this. my heart has been heavy and my sweet friend directed me to your site for encouragement. thank you thank you thank you. i can’t tell you how much it encourages me to read your story – hearing from someone who’s been there and found their strength in the Lord is exactly what i needed. the longer we’re here, the harder it’s getting for me to find my joy in Him. thank you for including so much scripture in your posts – it’s exactly what my worn out heart needed. i have so many friends offering encouraging words, but it’s helpful on a whole other level to hear encouragement from someone who knows exactly what you’re going through. <3
Oh sweet Amber. I am so glad that God is using our story to comfort your weary heart right now… I wish I could do more. I am sorry that you are going through this. Feel free to email me anytime – [email protected]. Stepping heavenward is an uphill climb, precious warrior mommy. Knpw that YOU are loved and that Jesus loves your baby even more than you… He is taking care of everything – this I know for sure. Lamentations 3:22-23 Please check out this post and print the verses… keep them at your baby’s bedside and read them over and over. It will keep your mind focused on truth… Praying.