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Today I want to share a recipe for all the nursing mamas out there!
When I went back to work a few weeks ago, I started pumping so that I would be able to continue nursing baby Z. If you have been following me for awhile, you may remember that over 6 years ago I ended up exclusively pumping for a billion months for our second son, Jethro. I think some PTSD from that made me super hesitant to pick up the pump again, but I feel called to it for this season. By God’s grace, another teacher at the school where I work is also pumping for her baby and she has been a huge help to me as I get back to pumping life.
One day, this sweet teacher friend dropped off a small bag of these little balls at my desk. Y’all know how I feel about dark chocolate chips, so it wasn’t a hot second before I had one in my mouth. Also, nursing has turned me into a ravenous beast.
She said the little balls were called Lactation Bites and that the ingredients have been known to help boost milk supply for nursing mamas.
I ate 3 more in her presence. 🙂
She graciously kept bringing me these sweet little treats every day and I kept devouring them every day! In fact, my birthday was over the weekend and I begged my mom to make a batch of these for me instead of a cake.
The best part about these little bites is that I figured out how to make them allergy-friendly! When Zion was just a few weeks old, I decided to eat dairy-free because he had really bad reflux issues and I heard eating dairy-free helped with that. I was already gluten-free because of my thyroid, so having a recipe that accommodates both of my dietary needs AND my love for chocolate chips is like striking gold! And did I mention that they are delicious?!
The key ingredients for boosting milk supply in these bites are brewer’s yeast (make sure you buy a brand that is GLUTEN-FREE like THIS ONE), oats, and healthy fats like flaxseed and almond butter.
As for the chocolate chips, I love the Enjoy Life brand because they are dairy-free and basically every other possible allergy-free.
Now I eat a few every night after the boys are in bed and mama needs to therapy from the day. My husband affectionately calls them my boob bites. And also my mammary munchies. 😉
Whatever you call them, they definitely have helped me make more milk for my little buddy. They have also been a great energy booster. With Z-man still waking up several times a night, I WILL TAKE ALL THE ENERGY.
I hope they help you, too!

- 2 cups gluten-free old-fashioned oats
- ½ cup ground or milled flaxseed
- 3 tablespoons gluten-free brewer's yeast
- 1 cup almond butter (or peanut butter)
- ½ cup honey
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- ½ cup Enjoy Life dark chocolate chips
- Add all ingredients except for the dark chocolate chips in the bowl of an electric mixer. Using the paddle attachment, mix on low speed until mixture is thoroughly blended. Stir in dark chocolate chips.
- Roll mixture into small, smooth balls and set on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Store in an air-tight container and keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks (but they won't last that long - I promise).
Let me know what you think! Or also let me know if you come up with any other names for my hubby to call them while I stuff my face at night! 😉
Could you share the original recipe for people who can eat diary and gluten? Thanks, jw
Simply buy regular brewer’s yeast and use dark chocolate chips that aren’t allergy-friendly! 🙂
I never heard of eating gluten free because of thyroid issues. I know people with thyroid issues. If you don’t mind, would you explain why you don’t eat it? I’m wondering if it would help them too. Thanks!
Hi Deb! There is some research out there about it! For me, I felt LIGHT YEARS better without having gluten in my system! I also was able to stabilize my condition!