**I am aware that there are differing opinions concerning this holiday. If you are going to leave a comment, please keep it positive. What I think the enemy really loves is to create division in the body of Christ where these topics are concerned, so please do not give him that pleasure. Let’s support everyone by recognizing that every family does things differently and we are not to judge. We are simply called to be faithful in our seeking of Him and then do what is best for our happy home.**
October is here and that section of Target and Wal-Mart is down-right terrifying.
As a mommy who wants to protect her sweet, precious angels from the evil aspects of Halloween, you might be wondering – What in the world should I say to my children in the face of such darkness?
First of all, if you haven’t read my thoughts on Halloween, I’d encourage you to check it out HERE.
I truly believe that October 31st is just another day that we, as Christians, can choose to be LIGHTS in our neighborhood shining brightly with the purpose of sharing Jesus. I mean, when you think about, what other day in the year do you literally have people on your street practically banging down your door for interaction???
A quick interaction, albeit, but an interaction nonetheless. It’s my prayer that our home would reflect the warmth and love of Christ to everyone who comes knocking for candy.
The people who visit your homes on Halloween might not remember anything you say to them that night, but they will remember how you made them feel (although the kids will also probably remember what kind of candy you gave out so don’t give out raisins, people. Chocolate makes the Gospel go a whole lot further – I’m just sayin’). 🙂
Tell your kids that you can’t wait to show God’s love to the trick-or-treaters.
Pour a jug of apple cider in your slow cooker with a few cinnamon sticks, make a big pot of chili on the stove, play great worship music, buy awesome candy, and have a family night to put these adorable FREE Printable inspirational stickers on it.
When your door is opened, the smells and sounds of your Jesus-filled home will make a difference.
Or if you are headed out on Halloween for your own trick-or-treating, spend time teaching your children beforehand about proper trick-or-treating etiquette, and pray for opportunities to tell others about Christ as you walk from door to door.
The point is, BE MISSIONAL on this day.
Please, friends, BE WISE on this day.
We need to be educated.
The Bible says that we are to be ‘in the world but not of the world.’ (John 15:19)
As I said earlier, there are so many ways we can have fun with our families on Halloween and engage our neighbors with truth.
But God’s Word is also very clear that we are forbidden to engage in anything that has to do with the glamorization of death, demons, or other things that represent darkness (want to know more about this? Read THIS article).
So, today I’d like to challenge you, sweet readers, to look around your home. Look at the way you are choosing to decorate this season. Look at the things you have put up in your lawn. Look at the costumes you or your kids have chosen.
And test them all by God’s perfect Word.
1 John 1:11 says, “Dear friend, don’t follow evil ways. Instead, imitate the good and righteous life.”
Are there some things you have brought into your home that are ‘evil’?
You might think I am crazy to ask this, but seriously, you have to even look at the way society has ‘cute-ified’ evil. I have seen some pretty darn adorable ghost merchandise and Pinterest ideas out there, but ghosts have to do with death and that is not part of God’s plan for us (just read John 3:16 if you don’t believe me).
Unless that ghost is the Holy Ghost, of course. 🙂
I once had a Halloween decoration that featured a pumpkin with a spooky face. I put it out every year because it was just so cute, but in my heart of hearts I knew the Lord was nudging me that something wasn’t right about it. As much as I liked the item for its eye-appeal, it was clearly something that wasn’t pleasing to God.
1 Thessalonians 5:22 says, “Put away every form of evil.”
So I got rid of it.
Does that mean all pumpkin faces are bad? No. We just have to make sure that what we allow into our home is a reflection of the redeemed life (Philippians 1:27).
This goes for costumes, too. I know it’s easy to throw a sheet with some cut-out eye-holes over your child when you are a busy mama like me, or your child is begging to walk around all night dressed as a zombie with an ax in his head, but remember the encouragement of Romans 13:14.
Set an example for your kids.
And set boundaries for them, too.
What’s great is that if you are reading this and looking around your home thinking, “Yikes, Jules. My whole house is haunted,” you can seize this as an opportunity to teach your kids about sin, conviction, and acting on obedience. Tell your children that you’ve sensed God leading you to celebrate Halloween in a new way this year. Tell them about 1 Thessalonians 5:22 and walk through your house and remove the things that may compromise your faith as well as God’s best for your home.
Often times I think it is our mistakes and how we handle them as parents that truly teach and model an authentic walk with Christ for our children.
Now what about that moment where you are standing in Target and your kid is frozen in fear in front of that horrifying Halloween display? Or your neighbor’s giant inflatable Dracula is causing her nightmares?
Inspire them by basing what you say on the Bible. Psalm 34:14 instructs, “Turn from evil and do good,” as well as John 12:46, “I am here to bring light in this world, freeing everyone who believes in Me from darkness.”
Pull them into your arms and comfort with something like, “Precious child, that is pretty scary, isn’t it? Halloween is a day where some like to focus on dark and scary things. But I have good news for you! Jesus has rescued us from darkness! We have nothing to fear because Jesus gave us victory and power over these icky things! In fact, He wants us to turn away from these things and turn toward good. And I think an ice cream cone sounds pretty good right now, don’t you?”
And while you are eating your ice cream, try discussing some ways that you and your family can celebrate and share good things this Halloween. How can you be a light in the midst of this darkness? How can you make a difference for the sake of the Gospel?
Maybe you could bring some muffins or my famous, super easy Pumpkin Cookies to inflatable-Dracula-neighbor. 🙂
It’s funny, if you look at the history of Halloween, while it was unfortunately corrupted by many pagan practices, it actually began as the eve before a day that honors all of the saints, or people who lived and shared God’s love (see a great, easy-to-understand article about Halloween history HERE).
So, let’s not only think about these amazing people at this time of year, but let’s be like them.
And let’s tell our kids (as well as our neighbors) some truth this Halloween.
“Let your light shine so people everywhere see your good actions and praise God in heaven because of it.” Matthew 5:16
– Julie
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**Check out these other Happy Home Fairy posts featuring ways to redeem Halloween…**
One Christian Mom’s Thoughts on Halloween
FREE Printable Inspirational Stickers for Halloween Candy
The Gospel Pumpkin – FREE Printable
Great post, Julie. So much to consider. I like your take on it!
My oldest children are 7 and 8, so I’ve already had to come up with a solid plan for Halloween, although I wavered back and forth when they were the little ones… you wouldn’t believe how smart they get, by the way! 🙂 We have taken the opportunity to study {super} Heroes on Halloween… not the super heroes that everyone will be imitating by dressing up, but SUPER heroes of our faith.
Last year we took the time to learn all about Joni Eareckson Tada, who in the ambulance after her accident said nothing but, “The Lord is my shepherd.” We painted with brushes in our mouths. We talked about our favorite Bible heroes. Maybe these are those we should imitate! 🙂
Doorposts has a Night of Reformation package available for celebrating Oct. 31st as the day that Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis to the door. I think I’d like to check it out! 🙂
I tend to think the Christian faith is all about LIFE, and many times Halloween seems to point to death…. BUT… I think there are great opportunities to be lights on Halloween and every family should make “The Pumpkin Patch Parable” a part of the celebration! 🙂
What a wonderful post! We have an in home day care and the families who come through our door are not always of the same beliefs or values as our family. Last year we were caring for a 4 year old who was fascinated by all things involving Halloween, mummies, and death in general. It was hard on myself, my then 9 year old homeschooled daughter (in other words she was home with us all the time and had to deal with it as much as me) and all the other kids. It was the first year ever that I had practically nothing up for Halloween. We generally don’t do a lot any way, its not my favorite but his fascination totally turned us off for so many reasons. I wish I had some of these good ideas at the time!! Thanks so much for them.
This is an awesome post! Thank you for sharing Godly wisdom in such a gracious manner! Your thoughts and suggestions span more than just how we are to be lights during Halloween! Great applications for us in so many areas to show the love of Jesus to those around us!
Thank you so much for writing everything I feel in my heart…your words are beautiful. God bless you!
Well said and well written. Thank you!
I just experienced the “Target display” trip last night! My daughter is 5 and knows NOTHING of the scary side of Halloween. She has always attended a Christian preschool/school and just thinks of it as pumpkins, hayrides and petting zoos…she doesn’t even think of the candy. When we turned toward the Halloween section going to get crayons I tought I would vomit!
Thank you sooo much for this resource of scripture for us to share together.
I think that I will have an orange yard sign made with Matthew 5:18 on it with a bright light shining on it!
Thank you for this post. I shared it w my FB friends.
I love all your suggestions and thank you showing us God’s perspective on this. What is hard for me is that my husband thinks I am making a “big” deal out of things and trying to steal the fun from my boys by avoiding things on Halloween that represent death! How do I influence my boys in a Godly way while being respectful to my husband :/
Ashley, this is a tough one! But hopefully I will have some encouragement for you… First of all, I would simply plan to have a conversation with your hubs that sounds like this, “Babe, some of these things (A, B, or C) at Halloween make me uncomfortable. It would honor and bless me to have your support in my desires to keep our kids away from A, B, or C.” That’s it. Do NOT try to appeal to his conscience with Bible verses or even making him read this blog post – lol! We, as wives, are NOT the Holy Spirit. So just tell him how it makes you FEEL and leave it at that. If he is supportive, then AWESOME. Affirm, affirm, affirm. If he is not and still wants to do his own thing, then let it go. This is NOT a hill to die on in your marriage. Pray, pray, pray about it and make sure that it doesn’t drive a wedge between the two of you (like do not hold it against him or give him the cold shoulder or any condemnation about it). Ultimately, God is in control, you know? I honestly think that if your boys want to walk around as a zombie or whatever, it will be okay. The danger here is that you don’t want to become legalistic. God KNOWS YOUR HEART in the matter and will see your obedience to honor your hubs first. HE will take care of and protect your children as you faithfully pray about it. HOWEVER, if your husband is taking your kids out back for Ouija board games and seances, then I would definitely die on THAT hill. Does this make sense? Praying for you, sweet sister! You have a precious heart!
What a great answer, Julie!! Bravo! I hope everyone who reads your excellent, well-thought-out post also reads the comments!
I just wanted to say a quick “thanks!” I am a new-ish mom (one daughter, almost 2!) and I have struggled with how to celebrate fun days of the year without ignoring them all together. Thank you for giving such a positive perspective to this spooky holiday and providing us with go-to versus I can use to guide and encourage my family! This is the first post of yours I’ve read and I plan on being a frequent reader of Happy Home Fairy!
Love this! For the past four years of Halloween, we have grilled hot dogs in our front yard, and handed out water bottles and of course – candy! The trick-or-treaters (and their parents) really love ,”the hot dog house”, and we have loved serving in this way. It definitely is perfect timing to meet the neighbors and just fellowship with hundreds of people that are passing through for the night. Instead of closing our doors and shutting off the lights on this night, we have chosen to BE the light!
Diane, that is AWESOME. I am coming to your house on the 31st! 🙂
Hey… Just wanted to let you know that I needed an activity for my son’s kindergarten class, and your mouse and the pumpkin Halloween story/activity was a hit! Thanks so much for the Christian mom inspiration!
Allison Sanders
Sent from my iPhone
This is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT!!!!! I gave away a hand towel that was a little too spooky last year and I thought maybe I was being dramatic!!! This is just right- just the right about of love for Jesus & our neighbors and just enough fun! Thank you for putting my heart into words on this tough subject for us! Its Just right!
Thank you for this post. My eldest is 4 and starting to become aware of Halloween. I felt quite underprepared when she asked me about it – I blogged about that here http://melanieblignaut.wordpress.com/2014/10/01/handling-the-halloween-question/ – so I do appreciate your insight and the links you shared. 🙂
Best. Article. Ever. Thank you!
Love your thoughts here Julie! Thanks for always sharing a fresh Godly perspective!
Thank you, Julie!! I’m glad to [meet!] you!! Keep up the GOOD thoughts–they are appreciated!! I have shared this article with family members. God [continue] to bless you greatly, and keep you!!
Thank you, Linda! This is truly a tricky topic, but I feel so passionate about it! I appreciate your grace-filled comment and support!!
When my teenage daughter was little, she use to trick or treat for UNICEF. She still got to dress up like a princess and go door to door, but did so in an effort to help others who needed more than candy. We always bought candy to hand out too so there was some left to share. It’s a great missional opportunity. Here is a link for more information. http://www.unicefusa.org/trick-or-treat
Great article! I don’t have kids but I have 9 nieces and nephews so I’m always trying to find ways to explain to them things like Halloween and Christmas. I’ve used this blog in the past if you want to check it out: https://incmedia.org/christians-dont-celebrate-halloween/