The hubs read from Luke 2 on Christmas morning before we dive bombed into the presents.
He spoke aloud that Mary pondered and treasured the events surrounding Jesus’ birth in her heart.
And I thought how good it is to practice pondering.
To be present in the moments we are given – to think on the very things playing out in front of us.
Like the moment when I picked up Happy Baby from the nursery on Christmas Eve only to find that he had pooped his pants and I had forgotten to pack a fresh pair.
The dear nursery workers insisted on finding spare clothes, but Happy Baby confidently – and somewhat defiantly – toddled his bare legs and diapered tush off to the sanctuary before anyone could look.
He raced to the front of the church, climbed on the stage and stood before the milling crowds half dressed and bent over, happily blowing out all the candles from the service.
I smiled and laughed and pondered.
It was one of those moments where things weren’t perfect by any means. My child was running around pants-less in front of 300 people. He was so happy, but also extremely tired and I knew there would be a super tantrum when I told him it was time to get off the stage {{there was}}. But for those few minutes I treasured the zaniness of it all and even found it to be strangely… beautiful.
Because messy moments are often the ones that dot our days.
There’s the physical mess of our homes – the toys everywhere, the crumbs, the dust.
There’s the emotional mess, too – the impatient moments, the selfish moments, the resentful moments, the insecure moments, the ungrateful and discontent moments.
There’s the spiritual mess – the moments we doubt, get angry with God, or skip another day of spending time in His presence in exchange for an idol.
But for all these things – for all this mess – HE CAME.
I would imagine that when Mary pondered the moments that were unfolding around her, she could see that in all the mess that was her son’s arrival, there was something glorious.
Someone once said that one of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas Day.
Wrapping paper shreds, tissue paper crumples, boxes, bows…
And the message in all that mess is love.
We love, so we give.
God loved, so He gave.
He knows our need… To our weakness is no stranger…
He was born into our mess and carried it all on His back.
All the way up the hill He carried our mess and nailed it to the cross.
So our mess could be made glorious.
Ponder this, sweet friends, because somewhere in between our stubborn, half-naked toddlers and our clutter and our tired selves is not a mess, but a message ringing loud of His unfailing love and coming for you.
“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15
– Julie 🙂
Love your take on the the sight of Christmas morning. I take a picture and text to my family “Merry Christ-mess!”
This is so timely. A beautiful reminder that life is messy and exhaustive but He redeems even our failures.
Julie, Please don’t ever stop blogging! I love your wit, candor and spirit. You help me feel “normal” in my life and I love it! And I especially appreciate how you tie it all to scripture. One more small way to infuse the Word into my day (which I so very much need!). Blessings to you!
Loved “This Glorious Mess,” because it so reminded me of our family den when our seven children got started with their gifts. They are all grown now and with sixty members in our immediate family I rent a hall to host the annual party, but those years at home leave me with so many happy memories. Our family motto was always, God First, family and others second, and everything else last. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! God Bless You, Ruth Rocker
Thank you Julie for posting these pictures!!! You make me feel normal and ok!! Not to mention the tie-in to the reason for the season!! Your blog is such a blessing! Merry Christmas!!!!
Merry Christmas! I’m cracking up about Happy Baby’s little naked bottom on stage:) thank you for sharing! I always look forward to your beautifully written posts and reminders of Him. Thanks!!:)
My glorious mess occurs everyday….and i now see it in a different way because of your blog! I absolutely respect and embrace your words and spirituality. I love the fact that i have a family and three healthy children and that God is the center of my life…at least i try to make Him. Good bless you Julie!
You are truly amazing! Your words are just what I need to hear in this very busy season. You help me stop and think about what is truly important and you do it in such a humorous and witty way.
May God bless you for spreading His message.
So well said, my friend.
Dear Happy Home Fairy,
I have so enjoyed reading your blog this year. You have grounded me, lifted me, given me a proverbial kick up the backside but most often you have stopped me… from the grumbling, the whining, the impatience and the selfishness. Thank you
The mess of Christmas both in our homes and our hearts is .. the greatest kind.. you are so right.
I wish you and your family all the best for a spiritual and blessed 2015. Merry Christmas from England.
Amen! Thanks for sharing!!!