Last month I shared with you a fun lesson that I did for our school’s chapel service about sin and our Savior (you can see it HERE).
Well, I got to do another one this month and thought you might like to see it!
Since it is October, I have been talking a lot about fear on the blog and over on my Facebook page. It’s a month where you might be seeing a lot of spooky things out there and you might have a child who reacts negatively to them!
But even beyond that, most children will struggle with fear at one point or another and I thought it would be helpful to be ready with a helpful visual when they do.
Materials Needed –
- A lit candle
- Piece of paper
- Pen or Marker
- Ziploc bag
Start by pointing out the candle. Tell your kids that the flame represents them.
Then ask them if they have ever been afraid of anything. As they tell you their fears, write them down on the piece of paper.
Some fears might include the dark, thunderstorms, bad dreams, loud noises, being separated from mom for a short while, etc.
After you have written the fears on the piece of paper, fold the paper accordion-style and then pinch one end so that it looks like a fan.
Next, take the ‘Fear Fan’ and wave it near the flame.
Ask the children what is happening to the candle (or ‘them’) when their fears blow against them.
The candle gets shaky and wobbly.
Explain that that is what happens to us when we feel afraid. Our spirits get shaky and wobbly!
So there has to be an answer to our problem with fear. We don’t want to be wobbly – we want to be strong and courageous!
Next you will pull out the Ziploc bag. I wrote PRAYER on mine. Explain to your audience that the plastic bag represents prayer. The bag is clear because we can’t see prayer, but it is a powerful tool that protects us when we feel afraid.
Then hold the prayer bag in between the candle and the Fear Fan. Wave the Fear Fan again and observe how the flame is not getting shaky or wobbly anymore.
It is standing tall and firm because of prayer!
After the demonstration, I taught the kids a Bible verse from Philippians 4:6 which reads, “Do not worry about anything, pray about everything.”
Prayer gives us His peace!
A little bit BEFORE I shared this illustration I had the tech people play some thunderstorm sounds and I acted very afraid. I requested my blankie and teddy and made a big to-do about being so scared.
Talking out loud, I said that I remembered something my mom had taught me. She always used to say, “When I am afraid, I should pray.”
So then I prayed a simple prayer that went something like, “Dear God, I am feeling a little scared of this storm. But I know that you are a great big God and that you are with me. Amen.”
By the time I finished praying, the thunderstorm had died down and I got to celebrate with the kids how prayer gave my heart peace. Then I moved into the above candle demonstration shown above.
It was a lot of fun and a powerful reminder to us all that we have access to the great and wonderful Lord of ALL when we pray.
You can find a very rough script HERE if you need it!
And if you are more of a visual learner, I made a video of the entire presentation HERE that also includes the little tune I used to teach the kids Philippians 4:6.
I hope this helps you!
Julie 🙂
Oh goodness Julie! You are awesome! Such a simple, yet effective lesson on how our little ones can overcome in Jesus name. Thank you, as always, for ALL of your wonderful ideas. I’m using this one as well for our homeschool group.
Sabrina! Thank you for these kind words!! I wish I could take credit for this one, but I saw the illustration on a blog awhile back! I wish I could remember where! But I thought – now that is a winner!!! So powerful, right?! Let me know how it goes with your group!
Hi Julie! I clicked on your videos but didn’t see the one for “The Fear Chapel.” Am I just missing it somehow? You’re so amazing! We appreciate all you do!
Hi Debbie!!! I should have probably said this in the post – the video is called “A simple and fun visual to help your kids see how powerful prayer is when they feel afraid! Philippians 4:6” I hope you can find it!!! I wasn’t able to figure out how to give you a direct link to that particular video lol. Technology is hard! 🙂
Tonight at the dinner table I started a new little devotional time that was inspired by the “Open My Eyes” pin you shared by So the funny thing is I didn’t realize that I printed out the month of September by accident. I decided to just go with the flow and chose to read the 7th entry since today is the 7th. The entry just happened to be Joshua 1:9. So I introduce this new devotional to my two boys (7 & 9) by telling them the first one they already know because we all learned it from watching The Happy Home Fairy. I say “It’s Joshua 1:9!” And my youngest gets his best rap voice on and totally recites the whole verse just the way you taught us! It was an awesome moment. So thank you, Julie! Your words and teaching spread further than you know. Bless you and your family!
I just want you to know that I spoke for my kids chapel on Friday and used your visual on prayer…it was a HIT! Thank you very much for sharing. It was an incredible visual and so helpful to understand the power of prayer 🙂
This blessed me SO much. Thank you for letting me know!
Hi, thank you for sharing this awesome chapel idea with us! I teach chapel lessons to 3 and 4 year olds at our church preschool. I’m wondering what ages this lesson was directed toward, and if you would modify it all for the youngest ones- what would you do differently?( If anything)
Thank you! 💗
Kim Constantino
Kim C
Hi Kim! I actually did this chapel for ages PK2-8th grade – ha! Pretty big range! My sweet spot is 3 and 4 year olds! I don’t think I would modify much here. The preschoolers got a little nervous when the thunderstorm was happening, so you could prep by saying it is just pretend! All in all, I thought it was very effective! God bless you!
Oh that’s great to hear! Thanks I can’t wait to share this with our preschoolers in two weeks!
I love all of your amazing chapel lessons and would love to see more!
On a side note, I began teaching my son a couple years ago to memorize scripture at bedtime starting with your cute video of Joshua 1:9! Thanks, love your blog!