First family picture where EVERYONE is smiling!
It might have had something to do with the fact that A. We were in Georgia visiting Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop at Thanksgiving and the boys were in heaven. And B. Mom-Mom was doing jumping jacks and what we thought sounded like chicken noises behind the camera and the boys thought it was hilarious.
I pray y’all had a blessed Christmas today celebrating the Lord’s birth – the One who came to be the only thing that could ever truly make our homes happy.
Please know that every one of you is very dear to me. I am so thankful for all of your sweet comments and encouragement and for taking the time to read this little blog.
I am daily awed that you make the Fairy a part of your world and hope that my words are always pleasing to our precious Savior and uplifting to your precious heart.
Merry Christmas!
Julie 🙂
Merry Christmas sweetheart! Wanna skype or FaceTime? It worked today!!
Sent from my iPad
Merry Christmas, Julie and family! I love your blog, and I know that you have a Very HAPPY (obviously the names fit) Family, even when ALL four of you either aren’t or don’t feel like smiling all at once!
Merry Christmas Happy Fairy! May you and your beautiful family have a joyful holiday!
Merry Christmas to you and your also, You all are beautiful!!!!
Your blog is a little ray of sunshine! I love when I see that you have a new post. You are so relatable, real, and refreshing(who knew I’d come up with 3 “r” descriptors! 😉 ). Blessings to you and your sweet family this holiday season and always!
Dear Fairy~Love the Beautiful Christmas pic of EVERYONE smiling & Thanks for sharing your blog~May God continue to Bless you to Bless others~HAPPY HOLIDAYS & BLessed 2015!!