Want your Happy Buddy sportin’ the latest and greatest in END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR fashion???
Make him a Last Day of School T-Shirt!My Happy Home Friend, Angela, made this catwalk-ready T-shirt for her Happy Buddy to wear on the last day of school.
The best part?
The back…I love this declaration from Matthew 5:16 to be a LIGHT this summer and SHINE for the One who it’s all about!
And once all of your Happy Buddy’s friends see his T-Shirt of awesomeness, they will undoubtedly want one too.
So you will make one.
For all of them.
I love this idea. Can I ask where you had it printed and pricing?!? Thanks!!
OOOhhhh soooo cute!!!! I like the 2nd grade teacher too!!! (She’s my sister! So fun to see a picture of someone I know and love!!!!) Thanks, Julie!!! Always love your blog. 🙂