Glow Sticks are the perfect recipe for a Happy Home.
Here are the Top 5 Fun Ways with Glow Sticks for your Happy Home this October…
5. If Trick-or-Treating at night this year, attach a few Glow Sticks to your Happy Buddy’s Halloween costume, or stick a few in their plastic pumpkin treat pail so that they can be easily spotted in the night.
Another idea would be to purchase a few Glow Necklaces and have your Happy Buddy add them to his/her ensemble.
As a side note, while researching Glow Stick ideas, I found that one family was once taking several kids to the movies, so they had everyone wear a Glow Necklace so as not to lose anyone in the dark theater. I thought that was brilliant.
4. Why not throw a bunch of Glow Sticks in your carved pumpkins this year? What a great way to light up your designs as well as keep your house from burning down if a Trick-or-Treater happens to carelessly knock your creation over!
The Crafty Nest has a great tutorial on how to make the lovely glow stick-glowing pumpkins you see above.
3. Have some fun as a family! Attach some Glow Sticks to the blades of a ceiling fan in your home. Turn the lights out, turn the fan on, and be prepared for a pretty amazing light show!
Also, sticking one on to a remote control car and watching it swerve and zoom around outside in the driveway after dark is a definite thrill.
2. A neat game idea – After dark, stick a Glow Stick in the ground. Stand several feet away and have your child try to toss a Glow Necklace around the Glow Stick.
You can find a super fun tutorial for a Glow Stick Toss Game HERE.
And the Number One Fun Thing to do with a Glow Stick this October is…
1. Glow Stick Baths! Fill up the tub, pile all your Happy Buddies in, turn out the lights, and throw in some Glow Sticks.
You will not believe how cool this is!
AND if you have two different colored Glow Sticks (like a red and a blue one), you can put the two together in a cup of bath water and… Tada! You’ve made PURPLE water!
(Or… Throw a few Glow Sticks in the bath with you and your Happy Hubby the next time you two are alone. :-))
If you don’t feel like trying any of the ideas above, simply grabbing some Glow Sticks, turning out the lights, and having a dance party with your Happy Home sounds like a great idea to me.
Happy Glow Stick-ing! 🙂
**PLEASE NOTE – Glow Sticks are non-toxic, non-radioactive, and if ingested, are not poisonous or harmful – HOWEVER putting Glow Sticks in the mouth is NOT recommended.**
I will take the glow stick ring toss idea to the farm this Thanksgiving! We supply the glow sticks for lots of evening adventures and games, but I had not thought about the ring toss idea! Thank you for sharing!! 😀
Do u open up the glowsticks & pour out the contenTs or toss them in whole? It sounds like a supreme idea!!!
Toss them in whole! I wouldn’t recommend doing too much interaction with the actual liquid itself! Have fun!!!!!!!! 🙂 Slimer’s gonna love it!
You should share with, they have awesome ideas to keep the *spark* lit in a marriage and this would be a great one to add!
This is fantastic..awesome idea… :)) I found ya on Made by you Mon and officially following ya with smile :)) Great blog you have here..
Ps: I would love to invite you to join over 50 bloggers plus go PINK FOR CURE on Oct 30th..Painting the blog world pink a day and spreading the word on awarness, hope and faith for Breast Cancer..Would love for you to stop in and have a look..Hope u can join in :)) TY *
These are great ideas. My kids would absolutely go nuts over these ideas – especially the bath one! this was the most viewed link last week at Whatever Goes Wednesday. I am featuring it today. Grab my “feature” button.
We made our own lighted lanterns by breaking open a glow stick and pouring contents in a clean glass jar. Put the lid on tight and shake. Great as mood lighting at party. Also would work to light the path to your door on Halloween or any other event. Be careful not to get contents on clothes as it could stain. We did this outside over newspapers. The green was the best color.