Things have been so crazy busy around here lately! I feel like my family and I are kind of snowballing our way toward the finish line. I heard someone recently say that May is like the new December but without all the yummy sugar cookies, happy carols, and twinkly decorations to keep you from losing your mind.
With that said, this is our last week of school and I have been working on several different fun ideas and FREE Printables for you!
The Happy Buddy’s class is having their big End-of-Year Party this afternoon and I thought it would be nice to give all of his friends a little gift.
Last year we handed out inexpensive Frisbees with a cute FREE Printable to all his classmates (you can find that idea HERE).
This year I found a bunch of cute, brightly colored jump ropes in the dollar bins at Target and added a happy little saying to complete the gift.
Would you like to use this idea too?
Grab some jump ropes, attach the FREE Printable tag (download at end of post) and you have yourself one super adorable and summer useful gift!
*Click HERE for FREE Printable Jump Rope Gift Tag*
Happy End of Year Classmate Gift-ing! 🙂
LOVE IT! Pinning it! Thanks!