One of my most popular posts was the Minute-To-Win-It game ideas I shared several years ago HERE.
I just love Minute-To-Win-It games because they are always so EASY and very, very fun.
With Christmas Eve being tomorrow night, I thought you might need a little something up your sleeve to make your event even more merry.
Here are a few of my favorite Christmas Minute-To-Win-It games…
1. Candy Cane Pile Up – Players put a candy cane in their mouth and then see how many candy canes they can move from the table pile to a bowl in 1 minute using only the candy cane in their mouth. Player with the most candy canes transferred after 1 minute is the winner.
2. Stacking Snowmen – See how many snowmen you can make by stacking mini marshmallows in 1 minute. Player with the most snowmen in one minute is the winner.
3. Whipped Cream Tannenbaum – Each player gets 2-3 cans of whipped cream. They have 1 minute to make the tallest Christmas tree. Player with the tallest Christmas tree after 1 minute is the winner.
4. Snowball Toss – Players stand behind a designated line and have 1 minute to toss marshmallow (snowballs) through a Christmas wreath and into a bowl. Player with the most snowballs in the ball at the end of 1 minute is the winner.
5. Oh Christmas Tree – Player has 1 minute to stack 36 cups in a pyramid shape (a Christmas tree) and put them back into a single stack using only one hand. Points awarded if successfully completed in 1 minute.
6. Reindeer Nose – Fill a bowl with a bunch of cotton balls and 1 red pom-pom. Players put a dab of Vaseline on the end of their nose. Players have 1 minute to transfer the cotton balls to another bowl using only their nose. Player with the most cotton balls at the end of 1 minute is the winner. Red pom-pom is worth double points.
7. Face the Gingerbread Man – Place a gingerbread cookie on player’s forehead. Player must move the cookie down their face to their mouth using only their facial muscles and head movements. Player is awarded points if successfully completed in 1 minute.
8. Holiday Kiss – Players transfer 3 Christmas ornaments from a table to a length of string at least 3 feet long using only their lips. If an ornament is dropped, players are not awarded any points.
9. Christmas in the Balance – Players must hang 10 ornaments on a yardstick that sits atop an upright wrapping paper tube in 1 minute.
10. Christmas Cliffhanger – Set 5 Christmas cards up on a table. Players must blow the Christmas cards across the table and hang them from the edge of the table. Player who successfully hangs the most cards off the table in 1 minute is the winner.
11. Christmas Ball – Wrap a rectangular box with Christmas wrapping paper. Using the wrapped cardboard box as a fan each player must move a Christmas ball ornament across the floor to a predetermined area.
12. Reindeer Antlers – (This game may need longer than 1 minute.) One player is the reindeer. Players must blow up and tie balloons, stuff them into a pair of panty hose, and then secure them over the head of the designated reindeer. Players with the best looking antlers are the winners.
Don’t forget to have plenty of tissues on hand as I am sure y’all will be laughing so hard you will be crying. 🙂
If you loved this, don’t forget to ‘like’ Happy Home Fairy on Facebook HERE to stay up-to-date on more family fun and encouragement for moms.
Happy Christmas Minute-to-Win-It-ing! 🙂
And also…
Go HERE for my FREE Printable Christmas Conversation Starters to keep dinnertime talk lively.
Go HERE for my round-up of Christmas Eve traditions to make it super magical for the whole family.
Go HERE for my FREE Printable Christmas Love Notes for your Happy Hubby (great to throw in his stocking!).
Go HERE for instructions on how to keep your Happy Buddies in bed on Christmas morning (very important).
Go HERE for the Christmas morning Lego Tradition that the boys in our family compete in every year.
What kind of hooks do you use for holiday kiss, I would think the wire ones could be dangerous if hit the eye
Cool! im doing these for my Bday!!! 🙂
Last year I used the “Candy Cane Pile Up” game with kids when I used to work at school and they loved it! They loved even more the fact that they could eat the canes afterwards 😀 Thanks for great ideas.
May I get the Christmas minute to winit in printable form? I didn’t see the link option for that. They are fantasic 🙂
Can I get this Christmas winit Minute in printed form? Thanks. We want to try a couple!
These games are amazing! As someone who loves “good, clean fun” and doesn’t have much ingenuity with games, I’ll reference this page often. Thanks!