A few years ago, I shared a blog post revealing the shared bedroom we created for our older boys, Noah and Jethro. I spent a long time dreaming about, looking at Pinterest for inspiration, and putting together that room. I wanted so badly for it to be just like the beautiful rooms I had seen online.
If you haven’t seen that post yet, jump over HERE to see it before you read this one.
Everything looked so great and I took my photos for the blog.
Then my boys actually started to live in it.
Today I am sharing with you some of the changes we have made to the room as well as some of the stories behind those changes. I hope this makes you feel better somehow. As much as I strive for that Pinterest perfection, I am much happier when I let it go and embrace the people (their habits, desires, and preferences) God has given to me.
Things to note in this photo >>
Lack of bedding
The night before I took this photo one of my children was caught blowing his nose into the sheet. One Child Me would have immediately changed the sheets and fussed at him. Three Children Me decided to swallow my vomit and quietly declare a laundry day the following morning.
Tiny picture taped to top of framed lion
Noah has a banner on his side of the room that says, “On the bright side”(see below). One day, someone visited our house and made the comment to Jethro, “Since Noah’s side is the bright side, does that mean yours is the dark side?” He was totally joking, but this comment really stuck to Jet. He was worried and upset every time he looked at the banner on Noah’s side of the room. I reassured Jethro often that our visitor had only been kidding and that it wasn’t true at all. It was just a cute banner that I bought because Crate and Barrel was having a sale. However, I didn’t like how consumed Jet was with this issue, so one night while the boys were out at a sleepover, I printed a photo of that same banner and taped it to Jet’s side of the room. I wanted him to know once and for all what was right. He loved it.
Animal Heads
This is a rare moment that those animal heads are actually on the wall. Zion likes to climb up on the bed every day and knock them off. He thinks it’s hilarious. It drives me bananas.
Other things to note in this photo >> 3 layers of dust under the bed, toys spilling out everywhere, stickers stuck to the side of the bookshelf, the white hedgehog IKEA nightlight on the desk that never works and the boys ask me every night to get them a new one.
Things to note in this photo >>
Wall decals
Originally, I had put up large black triangle wall decals on only one wall. I cannot tell you why, but it bothered me constantly. I ended up finding these Swiss crosses at Target and an artsy friend of mine came over and scattered them around the room. I feel like it balances everything a little better.
Book and Balloon on the bed
Big Nate books have taken over our house. There are 13 in the bathroom for when the boys poop at night. There are 10 on the living room coffee table. There are 300 in the car. I am actually surprised that there is only one on the bed. I think the other 500 are under the bed with the 3 layers of dust.
It was my mom’s birthday a few weeks ago and Zion won’t let us get rid of the balloons. They keep creepily floating in and out of rooms.
Tiger Picture
The boys were messing around one day and threw a football at the framed tiger photo. It has a splintered crack in it. Also Noah likes to hang his favorite football cards at the top.
Other things to note in this photo >> For those who have been following me since the beginning: Sick Bear lives on.
Things to note in this photo >>
Missing Dresser Knob
One of my boys likes to climb on the dresser. There is no way I can stop this behavior, but the dresser has apparently spoken up about it.
Shark Head
In the previous decor, I had a black deer head above the framed Psalm 23 sign. Ryan would always comment on how he thought it had some evil vibes. Y’all, I am a big fan of making sure everything in your house is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 says to “Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.” I know this may seem outside of the box for some, but I decided to switch the head out so that everything in our home reflects light and life to everyone living here. A toothy shark does that, right? 🙂
Other things to note in this photo >> Random roll of toilet paper, superman cape, IKEA bins holding endless amounts of stuff I don’t know what to do with.
Things to note in this photo >>
Endless amounts of stuffed animals
The boys have come up with a new game they call “Lovey.” They sit for hours in their room playing with the stuffed animals. The animals chat with one another and they make trades. I thought with having boys we wouldn’t have such a stuffed animal hoarding situation, but here we are.
When we first decorated this room, I bought this great light grey shag rug from Homegoods. That rug lasted about 3 months with the amount of dirty feet traipsing back and forth. If you are in the market for a new rug and you have boys – go with black.
Other things to note in this photo >> At least the books are still color coded.
Things to note in this photo >>
Desk Top
On top of the desk you will note a pair of jeans that do not fit anyone anymore. Under the jeans is a copy of the book Sideways Stories from Wayside School. That was one of my favorite books my 5th grade teacher read to me, so I have been reading the series to my boys at night if they are in bed before 8:30 pm. They are loving it. The Bible on the desk is our new favorite! It is funny and has really good theology. It is perfect for my older boys. You can buy it HERE.
Letter Sign
I had dreams of updating the Letter Sign hanging above the bear art every month, but that ideal has been put on hold because of life. However, I feel the message that is there is timeless and a good permanent reminder. You can purchase your own letter board HERE. Do not feel obligated to change the message each month. That is only for super organized people. 😉
So there you have it! What are your favorite changes?
Mine is the dust. Because I am looking on the bright side.
Love this! Thank you Julie!
Where did you get the lion and tiger prints from please? And the scripture psalm 23 print? Did you do that yourself? I saw it years ago and had imagined I would paint them for my boys…. but it would look worse than if a 2 year old did it so I never bothered. Thanks for sharing true life pictures. You are doing well to be THIS organised with 3 boys! Well done. Xx
Hey there! Thank you for your encouragement! LOL! Never a dull moment! The animal prints are from an etsy store called Lila and Lola. The Psalm 23 print is House of Belonging, but I don’t think she makes it anymore! 🙁 However, I have seen similar things on Etsy! You should totally try to make it, I bet you would do great! God bless you!
We love that Bible as well! Have been reading it with my grands since the new year started…….a couple more nights and we will be done.
I am looking for ways to redo my grands room……….boy and girl ages 5 & 6.
What happened to the Beddy’s? My mom just bought my daughter a set and we love it. Her bed always looks so nice – and my OCD daughter appreciates that. She wanted to get one for my son, but not until potty training commences and is complete! Thank you for keeping things real, Julie.
Haha Jenny! I was wondering if anyone would notice!! SO I LOVE the Beddy’s! They are a mother’s dream! The beds always look made!!!! BUT my oldest boy is VERY sensory and he just could not get comfortable without having a sheet in between the comforter and fitted sheet. It was a THING. He wasn’t sleeping! For anyone else, the Beddy’s are SO GOOD. I even want one haha! And I kept them for when Zion gets bigger. I love that you noticed. Thanks for reaching out!!!
This was spot on and my boys are now grown men with teens! I totally recognized this “timeless” room! Confession: my boys never had a room decorated nicely once they got our of their crib. They shared a dresser and one of them etched a dividing line down the middle of it. You can probably guess how it went from there. Just keep looking on the bright side and let the SON shine in!
I have two teen boys, 16 & 15.
We moved to the U.K. from NZ nine years ago and one of the things we did was let them choose their room colour.
I can tell you bright red is actually easier to paint over then you might think!
We are just in the process of revamping their rooms now they are older and I’ve been made redundant – which is a blessing, as I am now at home to help with the calm during these crazy times.
Huge wall decals of football stars are hard to get off years later – even though they say removable.
One room is tidy, the other always a mess.
In an effort to help them have a calming, relaxing space I occasionally tidy the messy room, but I most days make their beds.
Being a Christian mum is about finding balance – great looking, but comfy to live in is best – even if we would love a magazine or Pinterest inspired room to look at.
I love that the messy room, the cracked picture or stickers where I would rather not have them gives me memories of life with my kids.
That far outweighs (most of the time😋) picture perfect.
What fun memories yours are making in that gorgeous room💕
Love this post! Thanks for being real!