Target and Wal-Mart are stocking their shelves with school supplies and Happy Home Fairy is getting inspired! š
Who can resist a brand new box of crayons?
The month of August will be filled with all kinds of family traditions, crafts, school-themed snacks, and FREE Printables for you to celebrate the magic of a new school year with your Happy Home.
Back to School at Happy Home Fairy kicks off TOMORROW with a FREE Printable Back to School Countdown Calendar that will build anticipation and excitement as your Happy Buddy prepares for the big day!
In the meantime…Check out some of Happy Home Fairy’s Best Summer Ever Series by clicking on one of the following links.
The What Can I Do? Can (with FREE Printables)
4 Ways to Recycle a Juice Box (super cute craft ideas!)
Marshmallows – Not Just for Eating
Amazing Things You Can Do with Kool Aid
Fun Crafts and Activities to do with Balloons!
How to Make a Cute Paper Plate Turtle
Flip Flop Crafts and Activities
Easy Flip Flop Cookies and a Love Note for the Happy Hubby
Shark-Themed Crafts and Snacks
How to Have a Cereal Party (a great end-of-summer celebration idea!)
Ice Cube Crafts and Activities
Over a Dozen Homemade Popsicle Recipes and Ideas
And there you have it, Happy Home Friends!
I hope you all did, indeed, have the Best Summer EVER!!!
Happy End of Summer-ing! š
I am looking forward to seeing what Back to School traditions you will share : ) When my oldest started kindergarten, I surprised him with a school bus cake when he got home from his first day. This year my middle son will be starting kindergarten, so I’ll have a post up next week with HIS school bus cake. I would love to have a special tradition to do each year though!
Excited to see your back to school countdown! Looked for one yesterday and there is NOTHING! My oldest daughter starts Kindergarten the day after Labor. Summer has gone too fast, for sure, so I’m looking forward to filling everyday with some “magic” before the craziness of school begins. Thanks so much for all your ideas! I’ve used many of them and shared even more with my friends:)
I loved all of your great summer ideas! My little one isn’t even a year old yet so we’re not preparing for back to school but I love collecting ideas for when we finally get there! One thing I did want to share tho before summer has officially ended to add to your awesome list, have you ever heard of pudding painting?? You simply dress your little one (and maybe yourself) in old swimwear, give them paint brushes, and bowls of chocolate and vanilla pudding, and go to town painting on yourself, the driveway, the grass, whatever, and then at the end of the fun you get to play with a hose or sprinkler to wash most of it off! I did this when I used to babysit and the kids LOVED it! Just a suggestion to add to your spectacular list!