Happy New Year, Happy Home Friends!
I’ll be taking a vacation from blogging for a few days so that I can prepare for a speaking engagement this Friday (and get stocked up with lots of Happy Home ideas for you for the month of January!). In the meantime, I thought I’d share this funny article I found on the Internet last year…
I hope it makes you smile. 🙂
A Toddler’s Resolutions
- Gain more weight. My size 5 Pull-Ups are a little saggy and I need a little bit more of a belly to keep them up.
- Ask for a glass of water at bedtime at least 3 times – to get the water, delay bedtime, and maybe, just maybe, get an exasperated look from Mom.
- Come up with new ways to refuse my parents’ bidding. “No” is classic. “I can’t” is a little more forceful, but I feel it’s time to be creative.
- Insist on wearing completely mismatched outfits as often as possible.
- Figure out which kid’s show or music is really annoying to watch/listen to and then beg for it.
- Refuse food – even if it has been a favorite – once a week.
- Or, even better, I resolve to ask for a food that I know is not in the house.
- Have a meltdown for no apparent reason at least once a day. It’s good to keep in touch with my emotions.
- Be naked more often – especially when company is coming over or when Mom and Dad are trying to get ready to go out.
- Give Mom and Dad a hug without being asked for one. 🙂
Did this speak to anyone else as it did to me??? I am literally giggling out loud as I type this up because the Happy Buddy is SO this kid. Especially the part about refusing foods that were once a favorite.
I’d love to hear your “Toddler’s Resolutions” if you have them! Just leave a comment below with your funniest thought!
Happy Toddler Resolution-ing! 🙂
So funny thanks for the great laugh apparently my 2 year old is right on for number 9!
The things I have to look forward to when my little happy buddy is a toddler…right now he’s a happy 9 month old…with his own list of resolutions…my favorite one…if I fall asleep at 9pm expect that I will wake up at 11 and 1 just because;) If I see something shiny, connected to a wire or something that resembles a washing machine, I will crawl toward it and try and play with it;) Good luck on your speaking engagement Julie! Will miss the daily posts for a few days:)
Yup, my 3 year old is ALL about #9, too!
I’m glad I’m not the only one with a #9 kid! She is also in the stage where she loves to clean so I’ve taken to calling her our “nude maid.”