One of my most popular posts is my 2-Minute Back to School Devotions. This post features 5 easy and quick object lessons using school supplies. I get messages from mamas, grandmas, nannies, teachers, and administrators who love the resource and have been able to use it with their students and kids as a tool to teach about God.
Now that we are in October, I thought I would create some fall-themed devotions for you! You can do these simple devotions around the breakfast or dinner table, in the car, in your class Morning Meetings, or before bed. You will need a few supplies for each lesson, so make sure to look the plans over and get prepared before you sit everyone down.
I pray this resource is a blessing to your classrooms and homes!
Click HERE for your FREE Printable version of these Fall Devotions for Kids!
The Candy Corn Devotion
Show your kids a candy corn. Ask them how many colors do they see on the candy corn? (3) Ask them how many candy corns do they see? (1) Tell them that just like the candy corn has 3 parts in 1 candy, the Bible tells us about the Trinity – 3 persons in 1 God. The 3 persons in the Trinity are God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit (our helper).
Print this FREE Printable and have your kids color the 3 different parts of the candy corn with the correct colored crayons or markers. Read the poem together.
Bible Verse
“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” 2 Corinthians 13:14
Just for Fun
Candy Corn Race: Have everyone race to see how many candy corns they can stand up in one minute.
Candy Corn Drop: Kneel on a chair and drop candy corn into a jar. See how many you can get in! For older kids, try using a 2-liter bottle to make it a bit more challenging!
The Falling Leaf Devotion
Leaves fall from the trees during the season of autumn. As a leaf falls to the ground, let it be a reminder of how the Bible tells us to fall to our knees in worship at the name of Jesus. As a group, try to think of examples from the Bible of people who fell to their knees in worship and prayer.
Get a leaf from outside or cut one out of colorful paper and write the name Jesus across the middle of the leaf. Hold it up. Whenever you drop it to the ground, whoever the leaf falls closest to gets to fall to their knees and say a prayer.
Go outside and collect some leaves. Place under pieces of white paper. Rub with different fall-colored crayons to see the leaf prints come through. Write “Fall” in love with Jesus on the paper. Hang on the fridge or send to someone in the mail.
Bible Verse
“When the name of Jesus is spoken, everyone will kneel down to worship him. Everyone in heaven and on earth and under the earth will kneel down to worship him.” Philippians 2:10
Just for Fun
Have everyone take turns pretending to fall to the ground like a leaf.
Make Leaf People.
The Pumpkin Devotion
Do you know how a pumpkin grows? First, it starts as a tiny seed in the ground. Then it becomes a sprout. The sprout then turns into a vine. A flower begins to grow on the vine. The flower turns into a pumpkin. As long as the pumpkin is attached to the vine, it will grow and be strong. Once the pumpkin is removed from the vine, it won’t grow anymore. Jesus tells us that He is like the vine and we are like the branches attached to the vine. When we stay attached to Him, we will grow and bear beautiful fruit. Fruit like the Fruits of the Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. If we try to live without Jesus, we will not bear any fruit. Staying connected to the Vine is God’s best for us!
Draw a green vine on a piece of paper and write the name Jesus above the vine. Give everyone a cutout orange pumpkin with their name on it. Place a piece of tape on the back of the pumpkin. Blindfold the kids and have them try to put their pumpkins on the vine.
Make a Pumpkin Life Cycle Book by clicking HERE.
Bible Verse
“I am the vine, and you are the branches. If a person remains in me and I remain in him, then he produces much fruit. But without me he can do nothing.” John 15:5
Just for Fun
Play Roll a Pumpkin Game with your kids by clicking HERE.
Play Race to the Pumpkin Patch Game (or you could call it Get Back to the Vine Game – ha!) by clicking HERE.
The Candy Devotion
Explain that you are going to give everyone a small piece of candy. Note everyone’s excitement. Give everyone a small piece of Halloween candy. Have everyone unwrap it and eat it together. Ask them how it tastes. The goal is to focus on the word “sweet”. Hold up a Bible. Tell everyone that in Psalm 119, the writer says that God’s Word is so sweet – sweeter than honey (which was like candy to people in the Bible times). Just like we love to get excited about, eat candy, and crave its sweetness, we can desire God’s Word. Then as we read God’s Word, we can enjoy the goodness and sweetness of His promises for us!
Print out THESE FREE Halloween Candy Labels, cut out, and add them to small candies with tape. Or write Psalm 119:103 on Post-It notes and tape around candy bars. Hand out to Trick-or-Treaters on Halloween night or pass out to neighbors and friends during the month of October.
Read your favorite Bible verses out loud. After each verse read, have everyone say, “That promise was so sweet!”
Bible Verse
“Your promises are so sweet to me. They are like honey to my mouth!” Psalm 119:103
Just for Fun
Take THIS Candy Quiz with your family and see who knows their candy slogans the best!
The Scarecrow Devotion
Ask your kids what they know about scarecrows. A scarecrow is dressed in old clothes and a hat. It is made to look like a person to scare birds (mainly crows) away from crops. A farmer puts a scarecrow in his field after he plants seeds in hopes that the crows won’t eat up all of the seeds he just planted. Just as scarecrows protect the crops – God protects us. He can scare away anything that bothers us. God is our protector.
Ask your kids to share what makes them feel afraid (the dark, bugs, being alone, etc.). Write those fears on small pieces of paper. Put the papers in the center of the table. Have one child choose a paper and hold it while pretending to be a crow, cawing and flying toward another child acting like a scarecrow, standing with his/her arms out to each side. Have the person who is the scarecrow say Psalm 118:6 when the crow comes near. When the verse has been said, the crow will fly away. Repeat for all of the different fears.
Bible Verse
“I will not be afraid because the Lord is with me!” Psalm 118:6
Just for Fun
Try one of these fun and easy scarecrow ideas.
- See how many words you can make with the word Scarecrow in one minute.
- Make a scarecrow using snack items. Click HERE for instructions.
- Make THESE cute scarecrow oatmeal pies to give to neighbors.
- Or try one of THESE fun scarecrow party games.
The Mummy Devotion
There is a story in the Bible (John 11:1-45) about a man named Lazarus who was a friend of Jesus. He became very sick and his sisters sent messages to Jesus to hurry and come to their house so that He could heal their brother. Lazarus died before Jesus got to their house. When Jesus arrived, Lazarus had been dead for 4 days. In the Bible times, dead bodies were wrapped with strips of cloth and placed in tombs with large stones in front. Jesus told Lazarus’ sisters to have the stone rolled away from the tomb. Everyone was surprised and said that Lazarus had been dead for 4 days and it would smell very bad. Jesus said to believe and see the glory of God. The stone on the tomb was rolled away. Jesus prayed and then said, “Lazarus, come forth!” Lazarus walked out of the tomb – alive! Sometimes we might think the Lord is late on answering our prayers or needs, but it is never too late for a miracle! He has a good and perfect plan. His timing is always best.
Wrap your child in toilet paper like a mummy. Say “Lazarus come forth!” and have your child try to break out of the toilet paper.
Bible Verse
“Then Jesus said to her, “Didn’t I tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”” John 11:40
Just for Fun
Make “Lazarus Dogs” for dinner. Click HERE for the recipe!
Make simple Lazarus mummies from toilet paper rolls. Click HERE for instructions.
Click HERE for your FREE Printable version of these Fall Devotions for Kids!
Looking for more Fall devotions to do with kids? Here are my others!
Julie 🙂
Oh, I love the fall, and these are such wonderful devotion ideas! Thanks so much for sharing, Julie!!! ❤️
Janna, Your encouragement means so much to me! Please let me know how your kids enjoy them!! God bless you!
I work as an after school teacher for a local church, and my kids bounce off the walls. These quick devotions are great for them!
Thank you for sharing these wonderful resources.
Thanks for the free devotion printable. I love the bible verse and the fun candy corn games too.