Can anyone believe that Christmas is ALMOST HERE?! I know. I am amazed. And also panicking because have I finished Christmas shopping? NOPE.
But I am SUPER prepared in the fun department. I know just what games are the BEST to play at your Christmas party or family gathering. Check out this list and let me know which ones helped you throw the greatest, most memorable, and fun Christmas party everrr.
You’re welcome. 
Game #1 – Christmas Candy Glove Race
Players are given a bag of Christmas-colored Hershey Kisses and a pair of large gloves. Players put on gloves and race to see how many Kisses they can unwrap in 1 minute. An alternative to this would be to hand players a pair of oven mitts and a wrapped present and have them race to see who can open the gift the fastest.
Game #2 – Present Wrapping
Give players a holiday shirt box, a roll of wrapping paper, scissors and tape. Teams of 2 players are tasked with wrapping the shirt box together – but the catch is that they must play with one hand behind their back. A judge gets to choose the best looking wrapped box.
Game #3 – Bow Pass
Have teams line up side by side, either sitting or standing next to each other. At one end of the line, place 6 Christmas bows. With their left hand, have each player grab the right wrist of the person to their right. On the mark, teams pass all the bows down and back again. If a bow falls, players must retrieve it while still holding on to one another. The chain must not be broken!
Game #4 – Christmas Tree Person
Give teams a roll of green crepe paper, construction paper, scissors, and tape. Players have an allotted amount of time to transform one member of the team into a Christmas tree. A judge can choose the best looking Christmas tree as the winner! (See an example of this HERE!)
Game #5 – Reindeer Antlers
Give teams a pair of panty hose and a package of balloons. Players race to fill the balloons, stick them in the stocking legs, and have one team member put the panty hose on their head to look like reindeer antlers. First team done wins. (See an example of this HERE – it’s Mr. B. with antlers.)
Game #6 – Card Toss
Players are given a stack of Christmas cards. Players stand at a distance and throw Christmas cards one at a time into a basket. Team with the most cards in the basket at the end of 1 minute is the winner.
Game #7 – Marshmallow Chopsticks
Dump a bag of mini marshmallows (snowballs) in the center of a table. Players are given chopsticks and a bowl or takeout container. Players race to pick up marshmallows with chopsticks and place in containers. Player with the most marshmallows after 1 minute wins!
Game #8 – Left/Right Present Pass Game
Go HERE for this super fun gift exchange game.
Game #9 – Don’t Eat Santa
Print THIS FREE Printable game board and cover the squares with Christmas M&Ms. One player slowly eats the M&Ms one-by-one until they get to the secret pre-chosen ‘Santa’ and everyone yells, “DON’T EAT SANTA!”
Game #10 – Cookies for Santa
Print THIS FREE Printable Santa beard, put one on each player. Then place an Oreo or gingerbread man cookie on each player’s forehead. Players race to see who can get the cookie in their mouth using only their facial muscles.
Game #11 – Candy Cane Hooks
Players place a candy cane into their mouth, curved side out, and use the candy cane to hook another candy cane from a pile on the table and transfer it to a bowl – no hands allowed! Points are awarded to players who transfer the most candy canes in under one minute. See an example of this game in THIS POST.
Game #12 – Paper Plate Game
THIS is BY FAR my most popular Christmas post AND it is the greatest game on the planet. So easy and BIG Laughs are guaranteed. Click HERE for all of the details!
SO great, right?!
Try one with your family and friends this Christmas!
So glad I found your website. You have a wonderful spirit in addition to many ideas to spread a little kindness in this world. I am a grandmother of four, retired from the world of retail, and teach a class of ladies in Sunday School. I look forward to your ideas as well as the encouraging messages you share. Jane Partain, Longview, Texas
Jane! This is so life-giving! Thank you so so much for taking the time to encourage me today! God bless you!!!
I’m so happy to have found some fun activities for an upcoming party we’re hosting with about 25 adults.
The funniest game I’ve played before is the paper plate drawing. You just never know what it’s going to look like!
I also like the idea of the dirty Santa left right game. We’ll probably play that one also.
Adults can get rowdy!
I am searching for your gift exchange , Christmas with the right family.
I cannot find it.